The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11817   Message #90255
Posted By: Mudjack
27-Jun-99 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: The copyright police
Subject: RE: The copyright police
Buying the product that artist sells is indeed supporting the system, just how much more greedier can the "Big Brothers" be. The Mob use to trapes around and collect their fees for protection. Is that a fair comparisom? Sadly enough yes since they take their portion to the bank and the artist who got covered that night gets nothing.Do they attempt to create a retirement/medical benefit package. No, the artist just fades into oblivian while the record companies, ASScap BMI (bowell movement industries)do business as usual. I usually buy books, CD, records in the past. I attend concerrts and encourage my friends to buy their products as the best way to support them.I do make an attempt to stay away from taping off my CDs.(not always since some of my older recordings are not produced anylonger) I will loan a trusted pal my CD, if he tapes off off it, then he needs to search his conscience.I prefer the support of "LIVE MUSIC" and ASScap and BMI can just kiss off.