The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57158   Message #902689
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
03-Mar-03 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chemtrails
Subject: RE: BS: Chemtrails
Dreaded- I just checked out 49 minutes of that tape through your link. I have to tell you I found it very compelling, disturbing, frightening and convincing. I found the interview with David Schippers (chief investigating councel of house judiciary committee) interesting. He quoted Ben Franklin that went something like; They that give up liberties for security will eventually lose both your liberties and security.
Another thing I found of interest was the speech Bush Jr. gave on Sept. 11, 1991 talking about a new world order. Coincidence?
One more thing I will mention is the book Martin Keating wrote- The Final Jihad, about the Oklahoma City bombing. The book was written two years before the incident and named a T. Mcvie in the book. And speaking of that, David Schippers also mentioned that he heard something else was going to take place in Oklahoma City.
I will get ahold of you, yes thanks I do believe I would like to view the entire tape.

And speaking of Oklahoma, I am pretty sure that is where there were recent reports in the thousands of a white substance covering cars, homes, people. No, it wasn't snow! I just can't remember exactly where I heard about this.
Peace. Rustic
PS. Oh yeah, one more thing, that report from WCCO sparked my interest. That is the channel I watch for weather most times. Are you keeping up with that?