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Thread #57158   Message #902750
Posted By: GUEST,The Dreaded Guest
03-Mar-03 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chemtrails
Subject: RE: BS: Chemtrails
No...I'm not from the Minneapolis area, Rebel...he sent me that email I posted and said he'd follow up, but I'm sure he's busy...haven't heard from him. I was just surprised HE would bring up the subject of chemtrails. They have a homepage I found when I did a search, so you might want to bookmark that and follow it. Maybe he has a newsgroup or something. Paul Douglas is his name, and I was gratified he personally responded. Most people in TV now have such fear driven into them by the psy-ops managers that very little honesty is heard.

Sure, send me a mailing address at and I'll get a tape in the mail. The online thing is crummy quality, but...I don't know...if you're American and watch something like that and are not absolutely consumed with rage, then you're in a coma. I'm afraid we're past the point of no return, but maybe not. Their crimes are SO OPEN, all it would take is some somelight to drive the lot of them out of office.

What I'm talking about is a tape called '911-The Road to Tyranny', folks. I make copies and hand them out. Proof the govt blew up the Murrah bldg and the WTC. Makes you want to cry, then it makes you furious those serial killers are going to send our kids off to war. Or it should.

And Don, Sand Point was a crucial point in American History...for the reasons I've mentioned over and over. Next came George W. Bush killing 3,000 people on Sept 11. Big events. Now we're on the eve of Americans being locked in concentration camps with no legal representation. I don't care if you believe me or not. It's all true. You're welcomed to one of the tapes I just offered Rustic Rebel. Send me a mailing address at and I'll send one out. Free. It contains some references to Sand Point. Media Mail from Texas...takes a while to get there.