The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11808   Message #90341
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
28-Jun-99 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Thanx to Sandy Paton
Subject: RE: Thanx to Sandy Patton
Sandy, you know I owe you and your dear wife a debt of a lifetime-
'Catters, back in 1970 or so when I was a wee lassie of about 10, I had sadly decided I could never be a musician because I didn't have a piano and my parents wouldn't give me lessons (funny what kids think makes a musician!). While visiting my grandparents in Sharon, CT, my granny suggested that my mum take me to hear a nice young couple who sang nice songs. We went to hear that nice young Paton couple, and my jaw hit the floor- I realized that I could be a musician after all- I resolved there and then to learn to play the guitar and do what they did- and I did and I do, to a small extent.
This past fall I had the great pleasure of having them come sing at the school where I teach, where they delighted the children so much that in our last days of school when we sing all the songs we've loved through the year, more than half of the songs requested were songs taught us by the Patons!!
Thank you Sandy and Caroline for still being in my life!
Love from Allison