The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57470 Message #903819
Posted By: Trevor
05-Mar-03 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: Sydney Carter Recordings & Books
Subject: RE: Sydney Carter Recordings & Books
Hello Joe. I've got Lovely in the Dances. Although I find some of the tunes a bit 'samey' it's saved for me by the styles of the various artists performing them. I haven't got it in front of me so I can't remember who does what, but John Kirkpatrick is one of my all time faves anyway. The tracks on which Carter himself performs I find moving - it really feels as if he is enjoying working with interpretors of his work.
Our little band, Rapsquillion, has a couple of Carter songs in the repertoire: 'John Bull' (which I guess, after 'Lord of the Dance' is the best known) and the fantastic 'Bitter is the Night' which we sing as a three-part round.