The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57103   Message #903911
Posted By: HuwG
05-Mar-03 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Pubs in decline
Subject: RE: Pubs in decline
Woe, woe, and thrice woe !

Yes, indeed, it's more than a shame that such a lively pub is no more. Tinsley boasts, or boasted, only two other pubs; and neither was anything to boast about, if you get my meaning. (The "Fox and Duck" was a large and rather delapidated building, the "Pike and Heron" was plastic and fizzy-pop).

It may or may not be a sign of the times, but the last time I drove past Tinsley, the newest and best-kept building was the Mosque.

I have happy memories of Tinsley, mainly associated with a girlfriend there. On days when the Pete Jones Outfit played at the "Florence Nightingale" in Rotherham, we used to take the bus to Rotherham Centre and walk the rest of the way, up more than a mile of very long and steep hill. How's that for dedication ? Of course, we were young, fit and very poor then.

I also recall jam sessions and other events in the "Travellers' Rest", not far from Rotherham town centre. I doubt if that place is still there; they seemed to be tearing down the entire area before I left.