The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57103   Message #904272
Posted By: Frankham
05-Mar-03 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: Pubs in decline
Subject: RE: Pubs in decline
I can't but see this as a positive thing in a way. When we visited Ireland, we really love the music and wanted to hear it but most of what was accessible to us at the time was in pubs. We apparently couldn't get to the Fleadhs but we did fortunately come upon a dance for the "old folks" with a great Irish band.

We would love to visit Ireland again. We met such wonderful people and they were very kind to us. We dropped in on the Comhaltas in Monkstown and enjoyed every bit of it. We took in the Siamsa in Tralee and loved it. Our main regret is that most of the music was in the pubs. We feel the same way Fran does. We felt that we couldn't go into them.

I used to play in smoky bars. It wrecked havoc on my lungs and I never smoked. I love jazz and in the fifties and early sixties, that's where you had to go to hear or play it.

I realize that the pub has the same nostalgic meaning for many as the American jazz club and understand the feelings that the people who frequent them must have about their disappearance but I think that it's time to adapt to a new healthy environment, now, and let the music be accessible to all and not limited to those who smoke. Alcohol consumption is a matter of personal choice as long as it's under control by the user. That doesn't affect my lungs.

I think there might be a non-smoking and/or maybe a non-alcoholic pub that could do good business in the British Isles and if they were playing good music I know that on holiday, we would be there supporting it.

Frank Hamilton