The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57429   Message #904454
Posted By: Ebbie
05-Mar-03 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: What is Texas like?
Subject: RE: BS: What is Texas like?
I have been known to tell a Texan that if s/he is upset that they are no longer Number One in size, it could be worse: if Alaska were to divide into two, Texas would then be Number Three...

Years ago- many years ago- when I lived at the Oregon Coast, a Texan had one of the cheapest gas stations around. He sold gas at $.17 a gallon (yes, 17 cents- I said it was a long time ago.) when most people were charging 23 cents.

Coastal air tends to be crisp and bracing and one day he threw back his shoulders, filled his lungs with a deep breath and exhaled in satisfaction. "Whoooeeee!" he said, "if I'da done that in Texas I'da smothered to death."