The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57095   Message #904464
Posted By: Bobert
05-Mar-03 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why I support Disarming America
Subject: RE: BS: Why I support Disarming America
No, T-eeser. This was more about the US using Iraq as our little *Iranian-butt-kickers*.

Then, there was "Ronald McDonald" Dumsfeld over there bringing *gifts* to Saddam and providing *intellegence* so that Saddam could gass Iranians... And, like I have pointed out on many occasions, Dumsey didn't say a danged thing to Saddam about gassin' the Kurds. Hmmmmm? Now it a big issue! Hmmmmmm? But back then Dumsy didn't give a tibnker's dam about it! Hmmmmmm?

Like what gives here, T?

The Saddam tells Dumsey that he's gonna take back a renigade providence, Kuwait, and Dumsey don't say nuthin' bad about it, so Saddam figgures everything is cool. Just like when Dumsey provided Saddam with not only the gas but the *intellegence* on where to drop it. But this time, Dumsey weren't so Dumb. Imoral? YeaH. Liar? Yes! Bach satbber? Well, sure.

The rest is history.

Hey, I'm no Saddam apologist!

But Donald Rumsfeld is a liein', back stabbin', dangerous man. The kind of guy that Adolf would have loved to have around. And look at the man! He even looks the part of a Hitler right hand man!

These are the facts. Yeah. try to mofve the debate into the center of *your* magnifying glass but these are the facts. You can explain them, rationize them any way you want. Yeah, you can balme Clinton for all this. I don't care, These are the facts.

Like Claymore says, "Facts are a bitch."
