The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57560   Message #905829
Posted By: Bobert
09-Mar-03 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who's gonna beat Bush... and make peace?
Subject: RE: BS: Who's gonna beat Bush... and make peace?
Well, ttr, you have posed an interesting question. Seems that every time someone steps up and becomes a voice for change and peace, someone kills 'em. Yeah, the word would definately be a better and safer place now if we still had Bobby Kennedy and Dr. King.

Under this oppressive media envornment, I don't think that anyone can capture the imaginations of so many folks like they were able to do. And there is so much that goes ijnto marketing and PR that the system has evolved to trivialize and minimalize potential leaders of change.

But, that said, though I'm still a Greenie, Howard Dean seems to have the positions on the issues, from war to the economy, to a woman's right to choose. He doesn't have the pizazz but maybe that just because he hasn't been marketed correctly. Al Sharpton, though terribly trivialized, is one heck of a spokesman for peace and justice and I would just hope that he gets more air time than he has gotten.

Those are my early thoughts on the subject. Maybe someone else come to mind later and if so, I'll be back.
