The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11884   Message #90598
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Jun-99 - 12:52 AM
Thread Name: Help with the use of Ditgital Tradition Folk
Subject: RE: Help with the use of Ditgital Tradition Folk
Bill, Bill, Bill....
Yessir, we're talking about downloading the ENTIRE DT, which Dick, in his benevolence, has compressed into a tiny 5.8 MB download that expands to about 10 MB on your hard drive.
You download the file to a separate directory/folder that you have created for that download, and then you unzip that file and click on the go.bat file. Your computer will begin to rumble and whir, and in no time at all, you will have your very own copy of the database, which you run by clicking on the folksong.bat batch file.
You, being a Win95 kinda guy, should probably drag that folksong.bat file onto your Start button so you can get at it without having to look at DOS.
Now, to use the MusicEase player, you have to unzip the file that comes with the database. When you unzip files, you should have at least some idea what you're doing. I learned the hard way.... [actually, what I did was click on one of the .exe files that come with the database. since it had no perameters specified, it unzipped all of the tune files for me and made a big mess] Don't click on anything but go.bat and folksong.bat.
Gee, I went out to CompUSA today to buy some memory, since the ad said it was 32 MB for $29.95 and you could get two for the price of one. Somehow, the final tab came to $205. I returned the stuff before I left the store, so I'm still at 32 MB.
-Joe Offer-