The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57510   Message #906018
Posted By: Rick Fielding
09-Mar-03 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Subject: RE: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Hi Ranger.

A bit strange. I'm a HUGE believer in NOT getting close to the heroes in your life,......for many reasons. One night, Heather and I were watching TV and the phone rings....."it's for you", she says "Jim Boooby...."

It takes me a mili-second but I click in, cuz I sent him an autographed album with the dedication about a month before!

He's very pleasant....says thanks and for ten minutes I try to keep the conversation going with questions that I DON'T think he gets asked every day.

He's oddly more involved than I feel he should be....after all this guy is a HUGE celebrity....and this embarrasses me a bit. Heather reminds me afterwards that it's because he DOESN'T know who the hell I am that he was probably being so nice and courteous.....after all maybe I outsell NEIL YOUNG!!!

Ok....move to the present. Nope, nuthin' like that....he's simply a very nice guy (chatty to the max) and really appreciates how many kids' lives were affected by his book. I still haven't MET him.....there was a tragedy of the loss of a child in his family and I thought better about dropping in for a visit. Still might though.....he lives in New England, and our most recent phone chat was fun.

He's FINALLY been invited back to Yankee Stadium for an oldtimers game. He's very happy about that.

