The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57597   Message #906235
Posted By: Rick Fielding
09-Mar-03 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Puhleeze!
Subject: BS: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Puhleeze!
Fer Heaven's sake I was SO lookin' forward to this (no...I don't know why) and it was totally pathetic!

One of the things that made Bob Dole the weakest Presidential candidate since Mike Dukakis, was his complete inability to speak coherently into a microphone. Yes they BOTH used prepared (and totally uninspiring texts) but Dole simply can't use a teleprompter. He follows each word from it (you can see his eyes quiver) rather than grasping a couple of sentences at a time, and then SWEEPING the eyes past a SEEMINGLY casual motion.

Clinton is much better (although not as perfect as they both should be by now) but still looks like insincerity is the ONLY emotion that really comes easily to him. Yes he's friendly, his make-up was ok, and you CAN see a bit of that charisma that worked wonders on stupid girls who wanted to fuck powerful guys.....but the "aww shucks" thing got on my nerves fast.

Mr Dole (who I respect for his toughness if not his policies) looked ghastly. Too much cosmetic surgery, corpse-like make-up, and a hesitant delivery ain't going to cut it.

If they want someone who can keep up with Clinton, style-wise with a few dynamics, why don't they bring over Tucker Carlson. No....his content is just as weak as Dole's (and Clinton's) but he's got a little verve........and this IS TELEVISION after all. It has absolutely ZIP to do with either liberalism or conservatism.


Thanks for separating the music from the rest Joe (and for the rest of your hard work). I've suggested that so many times on Mudcat that I KNEW it had to be a good idea ha ha! It's fun to get back involed with politics without feelin' guilty!!

