The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57597   Message #906241
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Mar-03 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Puhleeze!
Subject: RE: BS: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Puhleeze!
Did you see last night's Saturday Night Live? Dan Ackroyd reprised his old role with Jane Curtin- he played Bob Dole on the skit and the other guy did Clinton. It was quite funny really. Clinton/other guy did the no-criticizing-Bush- bit but was insincerely humble and self congratulatory, very pleased with himself; Ackroyd/Bob Dole started with 'Bill, you ignorant slut...'

I didn't get to hear the Clinton-Dole thing tonight. Turns out that the three broadcast stations I get don't carry 60 Minutes.