The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57596   Message #906244
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Mar-03 - 11:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Now it's getting personal
Subject: RE: BS: Now it's getting personal
I am sorry for your friend and his family, Walking Eagle; good for you for keeping him in your thoughts and actions. May he walk in safety.

My neice's husband was to ship out to Guam last Friday, but now it's been postposed to Tuesday maybe. I think they are waiting to see which way the wind, i.e. BS, blows. A lot of military folks are on hold, including several national guard or reservist units which have been in Denver since November, from all over the country when they were first called up. Apparently they've been living in appalling conditions in old airport hangars at Stapleton. According to news reports they are supposed to be moved to something better by next week.
