The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57510   Message #906262
Posted By: GUEST,chinmusic
10-Mar-03 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Subject: RE: BS: What in Baseball is an RBI???
Jeez Rick, seeing the name Eli Grba on the Mudcat proves all things are still possible in this world. He also pitched for Toronto, and I got whiplash from watching his pitches get turned around and take flight over to Toronto Airport. Gotta love his last name though. Also, give me a day or two, and I think I can find it in my heart to forgive you for being a Yankee fan. That's almost as bad as being a member of the Alliance Party here, or a Republican south of the border. So, when you were a kid, who did you imagine yourself at the plate? Was it Phil Linz or Gene Woodling?