The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57597   Message #906301
Posted By: JudyR
10-Mar-03 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Puhleeze!
Subject: RE: BS: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Puhleeze!
It was fun, though. Am I in the minority? Just hearing Clinton's nuanced reasoning, instead of Bush's third-rate, third-grade stuttering, was like a relief (sigh). And I do want to hear how Clinton would act on things these days (sigh). Dole doddered through, it is true, poor guy. Somehow I had the feeling he would sound more reasonable than he did, because practically any moderate Republican does, compared to this administration.

That said, I was soooo disappointed that it was a two-minute Point-Counterpoint thing. I don't know what I was thinking it would be. Longer than that, for sure. Oh, and Dan Ackroyd was outrageous!!! More entertaining than any of it, as you are all saying!!