The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57610   Message #906530
Posted By: Rick Fielding
10-Mar-03 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: Traveling Folk Musicians without Wheels
Subject: RE: Traveling Folk Musicians without Wheels
Boy, good luck sed. Your aims are wonderful, but if someone is travelling thousands of miles a year, I simply don't know how they can avoid driving (and make enough money to survive) My wife Heather books a fine artist who doesn't drive, and it's CONSTANT hassles.....always trying to find someone to drive them to the out of town gigs (and get there on time.....AND someone to drive them back)

In this day and age, many of the gigs are of the "showcase" kind, as well.....meaning no pay. Makes it even more difficult. A young 'hitchiker' kind of folkie might be able to make a go of it, but someone older....I don't know.

It isn't like we still have a viable rail system servicing smaller cities and towns anymore.

T'will be interesting to see if any good ideas come up.
