The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57597   Message #906640
Posted By: Ebbie
10-Mar-03 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Puhleeze!
Subject: RE: BS: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole. Puhleeze!
Beccy, this is hardly Clinton's 'slick, good old boy' talking. This snippet shows more actual thinking on Clinton's part than the 'good old boy' parroting by Dole. In my opinion.

"Mr. Clinton argued that the cost of establishing peace in Iraq would so drain the treasury that the country should forgo a tax cut. ("Never before have we had a tax cut in times of national crisis. Lincoln didn't. F. D. R. didn't. With over 200,000 young Americans in the Persian Gulf, we shouldn't.") Mr. Dole countered that the nation could afford both. ("This is a war to protect American lives and preserve the American way of life, which means among other things the freedom to save and invest our own money instead of Washington taking it from us.") "