The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57609   Message #907114
Posted By: open mike
11-Mar-03 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: Acts You Wish You'd seen
Subject: RE: Acts You Wish You'd seen
judy Collins sang just recently at a christmas time show in a town
near here. I think she has done a recent special at wolf trap for public tv or there may be many other chances to hear her.
Others I am glad i have gotten to hear are U. Utah Phillips, Rosalie Sorrells, Ramblin' Jack Elliot, and they all are performing still. Those who i have seen who have since passed away are: Jerry Garcia,
Malvina Reynolds, Charles Sawtelle, Kate Wolf, and i am sure there
are others. One singer i heard about after her passing is Eva Cassidy,
and she was so young and her career so promising and her voice so sweet.