The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57478   Message #907234
Posted By: clueless don
11-Mar-03 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: Your Favourite Hymn
Subject: RE: Your Favourite Hymn
Thank you, Snuffy and Haruo! Shortly after I did my second posting, I did a google search and found the reference to the French "Il Est Ne" (sorry for the lack of diacritical marks, if such are needed.)

By the way, Haruo, are you saying that it is not a hymn because it is about Christmas? Or are you merely asserting "It is not a hymn"? If it comes to that, I guess I don't actually know what the definition of a hymn is. My Webster's New World Dictionary gives noun definitions of "hymn" as "1. a song in praise or honor of God, a god, or gods. 2. any song of praise or glorification." I certainly had been under the impression that the song in question was a hymn, at least in its English translations.