The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57637   Message #907548
Posted By: CarolC
11-Mar-03 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Well, first of all, we really need to be looking into the whole Bush family to get a real sense of what we're dealing with. And we would need to take a look at the Bush family's holdings in corporations that have a financial interest in wanting to wage war. And to what extent his family's fortune was gotten honestly, or by exploitation (which is, really, what is wrong with how Saddam got his money). And the extent to which his family got their money through war profiteering. And then we could see what his real worth is, and whether or not it is blood money.

And then we could see whether or not he is a piker compared to other known despots.