The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57641   Message #907724
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
11-Mar-03 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: FBI & Your Library Card - Libraries Warn
Subject: RE: BS: FBI & Your Library Card - Libraries Warn
"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation
must begin by subduing the freeness of speech"
   Benjamin Franklin

"Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions.
It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us."
   Supreme Court Justice William O Douglas

The way things are going we'll have to resort to underground libraries in order to read;
Harry Potter series- by JK Rowlings
Of Mice and Men- by John Stienbeck
The Chocolate War- by Robert Cormmir
I Know Why Caged Bird Sings-by Maya Angelou
The Catcher on the Rye- By J.D. Salinger

These books and more are on a book challenged list. Harry Potter is a big one for the book burner's out there. Deals in the occult don't you know.
I think there has always been those people out there trying to suppress knowledge and freedom of speech. The Government keeping it's proverbial 'eye' on us, is another form of repression. Reading Ben Franklin's words could put me on a terrorist list at this stage in their game!
I had just heard they are going to revise the Patriot act- that's all I heard, but I am hopefull that they give up some of this bullshit and return some rights.
Peace. Rustic