The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11808   Message #90786
Posted By: folk1234
29-Jun-99 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Thanx to Sandy Paton
Subject: RE: Thanx to Sandy Patton
I met Sandy and Caroline at Pinewoods Folk Music Week in '91, when I was just begining to play guitar and sing in public. They had a magic kindness and heartfelt concern that made me feel at ease. At least as at ease as one could possibly be amongst so many fine musicians. Over the years I have spoken with Sandy and Caroline from time to time by telephone regarding old songs and albums. Each time I felt that I was speaking with an old (no offense, Sandy) friend, not a business person in the recording business. The same degree of kindness and concern are evident in Sandy's Mudcat postings. Ya' just don't find very many people like that no more!