The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2128   Message #9081
Posted By:
19-Jul-97 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: Tune Up: Fantasy Folk Circle cont'd.
Subject: RE: Tune Up: Fantasy Folk Circle cont'd.
I don't think anyone has yet tried "Un Canadien Errant" which is in the DT. According to the book by Edith Fulton-Fowke and Richard Johnson the words were written by M.A. Gerin-Lajoie to the folk tune "Si tu te mets anguille" after the Rebellions of 1837. According to the DT it was written while the author was in exile in N.Y. state.

I would crave your indulgence for a second song in French in a much more lively tempo. "Aupres de ma blonde." Written during the wars with the Dutch and sung by every French soldier since. I'll use McNally's Extra Ale as my basic fuel since loudness counts more than accuracy for this one.

Frank Phillips