The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #908169
Posted By: *daylia*
12-Mar-03 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Amos thanks for the link. Strangely enough, I could find no mention of Kirsch's appointment either on the CBC or in Toronto's major newspapers this morning.

Seems like the US is trying everything in it's power to secure immunity from international law. I found this quote pretty scary stuff:

"...only the United States actively tried to block the court's creation ... Bush has secured bilateral treaties with 22 countries granting U.S. citizens immunity from arrest warrants issued by the international court. Congress also adopted legislation empowering the president to use "all means necessary" to free Americans taken into the court's custody."

Rustic - Canada is not now, nor ever been 'neutral' in war. We're often overlooked though, probably because our contributions - though often most vital - are relatively small, reflecting our population. We fought in both World Wars long before the US got involved in either.

It's often said that the sacrifice the Canadians made at the slaughter of Dieppe (almost 4000 casualties out of a landing party of 5000) was vital to the success of the D-Day landing a couple days later. And there are thousands of Canadian soldiers buried in Belgium today. I believe those graves were the inspiration for the famous poem "In Flander's fields the poppies grow ..."

Here's some information about the Canadian military contribution to the
American Civil War.

And to find out about how we participated in the Vietnam war, Korea and other conflicts, click here.

No, we've never been neutral. However,

"There has never been a war of Canadian origin, nor for a Canadian cause." - WA Deacon, Canadian writer

Now that puffs me up with pride a bit!
