The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #908623
Posted By: Rick Fielding
12-Mar-03 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Rebel, I'm afraid your friend simply didn't know much about Canada'a system and history. Not surprising. FEW Canadians and virtually NO Americans know ANYTHING about us! I know an awful lot of folks who sure want it that way (I'm one of them)

Canada's job has been as peace-keepers for quite a while now, for several reasons....Number one: we have health care for EVERYONE here, rich or poor.....and a very small military budget. The US thinks we're craven cowards! Have you heard the term "Soviet Canuckistan"? We trade with Castro and haven't lynched a black person in a longgggg time!

But......What's the national character like? Well I travel a lot, and I have found that we are surprisingly a bit of a dour culture. American stores? No question....staff ten times friendlier than Canadians. American Restaurants? Bigger, better portions and usually served with a smile. Yup...I LOVE American folks!

Sports? Don't judge us on how much we know about baseball, football and basketball (well ya can judge ME!)....go to a hockey game between The Toronto Maple Leafs, and The Montreal Canadians (or Detroit, or Chicago) and you'll see verrrry knowledgable (and potentially vicious and violent fans!......Joking, I think)

What you'll find is that there are almost always two answers to questions about, to the same question!

We were there (overseas) in 1914 at the beginning of WW I (yup that's when it started), and went to fight Hitler in 1939, at the beginning of WW II.

Some went to Vietnam...some totally opposed it...and some came here to start a new life. They're ALL treated with respect 'officially' (I guess there are some rednecks and pacifists who've chosen sides...but nuthin' new in that.

Currently our Prime Minister (Jean Chretien NOT John Crouton, as Bush thinks!) is tap dancing so fast he's about to lose his teeth! Obviously he doesn't want to be part of starting WW III (who does anymore?) but wait and see....he's a wily veteran, who could end up being the most important 'peace maker' in the History of the world. We'll see.
