The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #908798
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
13-Mar-03 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Prime Minister Lester Pierson won a Nobel peace prize for his work during the Suez Crisis. The concept of the UN Peace Keeper originated in Canada. The trading relationship between the US and Canada is by far the largest bilateral trade in the world, although Canada has a trade surplus with the US this surplus can be easily accounted for in raw materials and energy. Canada is the number one supplier of natural gas. Canada sells Hydro-electricity to the US so that they don't have so much pollution with coal. Canada is the number one supplier of Potash to US farmers and one of those farmers' largest market.

Canada historically been the closest ally of the US. Canada gave up land resources and manpower to build an staff the Distant Early Warning Line and Newfoundland had Naval and air bases during the Cold war. Canada supplied the US with uranium for her first nuclear bombs. All of this made Canadian cities Like Toronto and Montreal nuclear targets as were Chicago and Detroit. Canada didn't have to fight the cold war she could have stayed on the sidelines or played one side against the other as many others did.

No Country spends more tourist dollars than Canada, no country buys nearly as much manufactured goods from the US. No country supplies as much raw material.

Buchanan, Mr. Bush and all those other "patriots" who can't see past the flags on their SUV's can't see this. They want ostracize and criticize Canada because she won't fall into line like a duckling. I know Canada. Canada has never started a war. Canada has never back down from a legitimate cause. Canada will not surrender her principles not for money, not for oil not for you. Long after the current US administration is gone and forgotten, which unless a miracle happens will be two years from now, Canada will be a friend of the United States of America.