The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11808   Message #90890
Posted By: Rick Fielding
29-Jun-99 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: Thanx to Sandy Paton
Subject: RE: Thanx to Sandy Patton
This is going to seem trivial and perhaps be regarded as a cheap trick to move this back to the top for a few more hours but it's about a vital topic. Without Sandy Paton, I would never have discovered the Ames store in Amenia NY. Much of my underwear and socks over the last 5 years have been purchased at a substantial saving with the help of Sandy's "old fart" discount card. Now that I've found out that Bbc also frequents Amenia, I have another reason for going.
Other facts about Amenia: Artists who have performed concerts there include: Nancy Sinatra (the sign said:"Her Boots are still Walkin") and Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen. (Sandy didn't do enough acid in the sixties and hadn't heard of them)