The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57560   Message #909051
Posted By: Wolfgang
13-Mar-03 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who's gonna beat Bush... and make peace?
Subject: RE: BS: Who's gonna beat Bush... and make peace?
You'd have to look very long to find any recent book on negotiations that is not mentioning as a positive prime example Carter's mediation in the Egypt-Israel negotiations of 1978. The only nasty remarks I have read about his recent Nobel prize were that this award was a belated silent admission that he should have got the award much earlier for his contribution to the Camp David agreement.

BTW, speaking about the Camp David agreement, one part of that agreement was that a little strip of land, called Gaza strip, changed from being a (entirely Israel occupied) part of Egypt to being a (intermittently Israel occupied) part of Palestine. That only dates back to 1948 I think. Though never at the same time in history, but at different times in history both the names 'Palestine' and 'Egypt' have been written to the same strip of land.
