The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57719   Message #909139
Posted By: gnu
13-Mar-03 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: American jokes
Subject: RE: BS: American jokes
"Canada wants to send military aid...". Ya knooooowwww... we just lost the last surviving veteran of Vimy Ridge. An almost unbelieveable story of the toughness we supplied during WWII and a turning point in that war. Daylia reminded us recently on another thread of the Dieppe raid and of the sacrifice Canada made on D-Day. My father used to tell of the fact that the Canucks waited on the roadside for three days so that the Brits and Yanks could catch up and all enter Rome together. My father-in-law was badly wounded by a potato masher shortly after the battle of Monte Christo (sp ?) in an advance scout party well behind enemy lines. You can't spend an evening with my uncle without him reminding everyone that the majority of front line officers were Canucks in a special placement in command of allied troops from a various nations. Or of how he was reported dead to his mother after being behind enemy lines for over a week, radioing info back and ducking bullets on his motorcycle. I could go on, but I won't, cause I'm just a Canuck from one of the lowly colonies. Hey, I can take a joke, but sometimes.... oh well, I'll have another beer. That's what we Canucks are (more) famous for.