The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57637   Message #909167
Posted By: CarolC
13-Mar-03 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Nowhere, Teribus, have I "attribut(ed) the suffering of the world, past, present and future to a single man and his administration who have only been in power for just over two years".

More bullshit from you.

DougR, I wish I shared your confidence.

On the subject of why I'm not focusing like a lazer on Arafat like some where think I should. Because I think that, although corruption by Arafat is probably a big problem for the people of Palestine, compared with the horrors thay have to deal with in the form of the right wing government in Israel, Arafat is small potatoes.

On the subject of why I think we should include Bush and his family in our scrutiny when we look at this sort of thing, the Bush family has had their collective fingers in pivotal goings on for a long, long time. And many legitimate questions have been raised about the possibility of conflict of interest with the roles they have played in the public service arena. I think these fall into the same category as the other people mentioned, and it's stupidly hyprcritical for some people to be pointing fingers at only the ones they can use to make political hay.