The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #909170
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
13-Mar-03 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Bill I won't disagree with you Bill, but I will point out that Pierson's contrubution to world peace makes him one of our most admired Prime minister's. A lot of Canadians grew up striving to folow in his footsteps.

Peter T what you have said about NATO and the United Nations is insitefull. I would also submit that Canada has also supported NATO because of a traditional alliance with Britian, ties with France and a concern for stability. Canada has supported the UN because it is the best tool for international cooperation and world peace, founded by her ally, the US.

I think the most interesting thing about what is happening is that Bush is on the verge of destroying the political careers of Saddam Hussein, Tony Blair, and Vincente Fox all at once!!! yours, Peter T.

If this war turns out badly, after the price to the economy and the financial crises in almost all US states, you can add another name to that list, George W. Bush.