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Thread #57637   Message #909231
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
13-Mar-03 - 01:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Teribus "Talk about lines of Bullshit!" You arrogantly and stupidly assume you know Carol's financial situation to the point where you make the conversation personal. Is that a usual tactic for you when you run out of your other Bullshit?

You don't even have the acuity to interpret the sources that you use in your own argument.

This is from "Auditing Arafat"

"An Israeli intelligence report pegs Arafat's personal holdings at $1.3 billion (a claim dubbed "ridiculous" by the Arafat camp), but Israeli officials say Arafat uses his largesse mainly to buy friendships."

He uses the money to "Buy Friendships" Do you think he needs 300 million to pay people to play golf with him? A more politically savvy person might think that he buys friends to govern Palestine and fight for the freedom of his people. Don't bother to say that using money in this way is corrupt. That is exactly what Bush is doing now in Turkey and Afghanistan and what he plans to do in Iraq, buying friends. That's how he got elected for crissakes! He got the money to do that by SELLING his favours. Every politician in the west does it and every one is to some degree "corrupt" but not as arrogantly and openly as Bush.

Forbes says that Castro is personally wealthy and comes up with a dollar figure by calculating his "wealth" as a percentage of Cuba's GNP. If I have to explain to you why that is dubious then you have no place in an adult discussion of economics.

This quote is nothing but rhetorical bullshit " match your attributing the suffering of the world, past, present and future to a single man and his administration who have only been in power for just over two years " No where has Carol blamed Bush for "ALL of the Suffering in the world" she has blamed Sharon, Clinton and a host of others for what she feels is their share of the blame. In this thread is in effect saying about Bush, Sharon and their supporters. "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." It's a simple, basic theme in her writing on these subjects and if you were to give her the slightest credit for intelligence you would be able to understand that message. Apparently you are too wrapped up in your own "Bullshit" and flawed reasoning to respond to anything but your "hot buttons".

Teribus, did YOU learn you debating skills from Limbaugh? Does he have counterparts in England? The next time you make a personal attack, you would do well to make sure that what your information comes from some other source than your fertile imagination.