The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57719   Message #909276
Posted By: gnu
13-Mar-03 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: American jokes
Subject: RE: BS: American jokes
herc... it does not shame me... it saddens me. In the end, I think we all know that the only justifiable cause for war is to free the poor subjugated by the rich; to free the weak subjugated by the strong. Unfortunately, much of what is imminently before us is grey and we, the peons, can only hope that our leaders have good in their hearts and have ultimate peace on their minds; and that the immediate objectives of today lead to the strategic objectives of tomorrow.... peace and goodwill among men. If I was to think that it is only about a bunch of power hungry oil barons, I'd be beyond sad.

As for patriotic feelings, I admit, nay, proclaim, that I am proud of this country, of what it has done, and for what it stands. I also have feelings and admiration for those brave souls who fought for such freedom regardless of nation... and for those that will. To me, patriotism comes from being able to attach goodwill and good judgement to the actions of a nation, and I think Canada rates that patriotism.