The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57637   Message #909697
Posted By: Teribus
14-Mar-03 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat's $300 million

Regarding your statement:

"Nowhere, Teribus, have I "attribut(ed) the suffering of the world, past, present and future to a single man and his administration who have only been in power for just over two years".

Didn't you say earlier in this thread:

"Same goes for everyone in the world who has or will suffer because of George Bush and the US government."

Jack the Sailor (Carol's husband):

"You arrogantly and stupidly assume you know Carol's financial situation to the point where you make the conversation personal."

Lets take a look at what I DID say:

"..working as she may do ..."

What the hell does MAY mean Jack? - in the context of what I went on to say it specifically implies that I have NO knowledge of Carol's financial position. Exactly the same as neither Carol or yourself have any knowledge of mine.

With regard to personal insult and attack:

Carol's words:

"Teribus, you're full of shit."

That was her opening remark in response to:

"Honestly, or by exploitation", Carol will of course be the sole arbiter of which is which - working as she may do within a capitalist system, taking all the benefits that that system offers, she no doubt insists scrupulously in working for the absolute bare minimum wage required for her to survive, does not save, does not invest and refuses any bonus payment any employer may offer her."

Again her closing remarks within the same post:

"I know a LOT about poverty. You, apparently know jack shit about it. You, Sir, are a bastard of the first order."

And you two, have got the complete and utter gall to whine and complain about personal insult and attack.

Taking the statements made in order:

"I know a LOT about poverty." - from Carol's post, I have no doubt that she does.

"You, apparently know jack shit about it." - pure supposition, founded on a complete and utter lack of knowledge.

"You, Sir, are a bastard of the first order." - Personal insult to both myself and to my family. That statement, made in print, in an open forum in my country constitutes libel, and a libel that is easily proved - as both my parents were married to each other at the time of my birth.