The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57765   Message #910364
Posted By: InOBU
14-Mar-03 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics ruin entertainment value
Subject: RE: Politics ruin entertainment value
Well... with a president with a C- average in school, who spent a large amount of his life putting illegal substances into his system to scramble his gray matter, my assumption is that the Dixie Chicks are likly smarter. As to their opinon, as Charlie Sheehan sais, because I am an actor does not mean I have a right to my opinion.
Besides, who do you think wrote the national anthem, an artist or a politician. So, when artists agree with you it is ok for them to have an opion eh? How do you feel about Charlston Heston?
Cheers, all the best
PS I am much more offended by the idea that when a vote is about to go against you in the UN you cut off the vote... kinda Florida all over aint it???