The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #910377
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Mar-03 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
gnu - I was in Trinidad for nearly a month, where I spent about a total of 10 minutes on a computer. This did me a lot of good. I'm now back, but spending less time on the Net.

Metchosin - Well, I was speaking about Canadian society in general, not the financial and other maneuverings hidden behind the scenes...but, yes, you have provided an excellent article there, which says a lot about the sorry tragedy of Vietnam...French colonialism, interrupted by Japanese colonialism, replaced by more French colonialism, replaced by American colonialism (under the guise of "helping" a puppet which they themselves created, installed, and propped up...but which they couldn't save with half a million American men and the biggest air force in the World).

Canada is right now home to a large arms industry which sells weaponry used to kill people in many places. You are correct...this society is a compliant wolf (apparently without teeth of its own), walking around in sheep's clothing, and assisting the global designs of corporate America.

That's because the rich men at the top here get their marching orders (and their income) from corporate America...and God help them if they choose to disregard those orders, because they will shortly be out of a job.

The ordinary citizen can do virtually nothing about it too, because all the large political parties have been bought.

- LH