The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57765   Message #910446
Posted By: Ebbie
14-Mar-03 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics ruin entertainment value
Subject: RE: Politics ruin entertainment value
Glad you asked, Willie-O! If he said it here, he has said it at other places...

During his 'patter' he said something like "I'm glad to be here in Juneau. Jewsnose, you know." And then to make sure we heard him, he repeated it.

A little later he mentioned two men (I no longer remember who they are, although they were names we recognized) and said with a chuckle, "I guess we know which one of them will be picking out the curtains."

Seeing it on paper it doesn't sound as bad as it sounded in person. I really wish I had called out clearly, "What's your problem?" And I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing we had done something about it. But the moment went by so fast, it was hard to grasp that he had actually said it.