The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57637   Message #910714
Posted By: gnu
15-Mar-03 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat's $300 million
$300M ? Wow. I wish I had that kinda dough. I might even try to help an oppressed people gain political, religeous and economic freedom or something. Gee, is it hot in here or is just me ?

Yeah riiiight ! If he was just a crook, he'd be long gone. With $300M, he could buy an island somewhere cosy and screw happily ever after. Now, I do not purport to know even the slightest about any of this discussion or the conflict(s), but I can add and subtract. And, if I was crook, I woulda subtracted myself at far less that $100M and let the discussion and conflict(s) continue without me. Ergo, if he stole $, he didn't steal it for personal gain... and I'm not saying he's right or wrong, I'm only saying what I said.

BTW JtS, give em anudder right twixt the lookers fer me. I gotta go ice me knee and Bud me brain now. As for this thread and the conflict, too bad we all ain't Newfs... did a job this morning where the owners, an eldery couple, were both from the Rock. I was about to get me ladder out of the back of the truck when the Mrs. of the house hollered at his nibs an he went into the garage an brought one out so's I didn't hafta go out in the cold to the truck. Salt of the earth I says. Hmmmm, has anyone checked Tobin's offshore accounts ?