The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #910722
Posted By: *daylia*
15-Mar-03 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Metchosin, the Maple Leaf of my heart wilted a little at your comments and at the article "Canadian Complicity". Yeah, the back-thumping is fun for a while, but the truth about Canadian military and economic involvement in the arms race and in past and present American wars, legit or no, is no cause for celebration.

The first thing I thought about after reading your posts was how Canada approved the testing of the Cruise Missiles over the Northwest Territories in the 80s, in spite of the fact that we have declared ourselves a "nuclear-free zone" and that over 80,000 Canadians joined in the protests against the tests. For information click here
and scroll down to the entry "Trudeau Defends Missiles".

Check out Dieter Birk's article Why is Canada at war with Serbia? for a concise history of Canadian military 'strategy'. It's nothing to write home to mama about:

" In summary: We are not a sovereign state, we are at war when our foreign rulers dictate so. We have never been sovereign in foreign affairs since John Cabot claimed these lands in the name of King Henry VII."

This picture kinda says it all about the current situation with Iraq.


Rebuttals anyone? Please!!
