The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57765   Message #910857
Posted By: Rick Fielding
15-Mar-03 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics ruin entertainment value
Subject: RE: Politics ruin entertainment value
Once again I have an aggresively moderate position so it'll just drift up into the ether, but.....

There are folks who'll now BUY Dixie Chicks Albums, BECAUSE one of them made a rude crack? She's apologized big time, so what are these folks gonna do....take the albums BACK to the store? After two days?

Man....if the "Chicks" had simply said "No War" over the mikes and then sang a song, it would have had so much more impact.

And I'd sure prefer if the listening public's taste was such that they boycotted Chicks' records because they're slick, muzaky, and forgettable rather than cuz of a dumb comment on stage.

When I first started becoming passionate about Bluegrass, I accepted the fact that the music was made by men who were against EVERYTHING I believed in. It's not easy. You've really gotta Love the music....but think of the many Jewish kids in the sixties who kept this music alive and toured with the old-timers. Players like Grisman, Ralph Rinzler, Richard Greene etc. I was around a bit of it (and even being an aetheist) I know I couldn't have stood it. On the other hand, the old time Bluegrass guys always carried guns as I probably WOULD have kept my mouth shut, ha ha!!
