The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57765   Message #910871
Posted By: Willie-O
15-Mar-03 - 04:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics ruin entertainment value
Subject: RE: Politics ruin entertainment value
Quote:(from the Salon report of the apology:)

On Friday, Maines said the group is "witnessing a huge anti-American sentiment as a result of the perceived rush to war" while on tour in Europe.

"While war may remain a viable option, as a mother, I just want to see every possible alternative exhausted before children and American soldiers' lives are lost," she said. "I love my country. I am a proud American."

Frankly, I think this makes her a confused American, and there's no shortage of them these days. But she's still got the right idea, basically. Too bad Bush can't get it, even in this watered-down form. (I'd like to think she is concerned about Iraqi adults as well as children.)

Oddly, she left out apple pie.

not really surprised.