The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #910892
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
15-Mar-03 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
The other side of the "Corporate America" argument is the creation of wealth in the "puppet states" of Korea and Taiwan. Credit for their prosperity is owed in large part to the US. America exploits but America also builds.

I proudly stand by my post of 13 Mar 03 - 12:37 AM. Canada is a loyal ally of the CommonWealth of NATO and of the United States Canada has always steadfastly suported and respected the UN and Canada has often been a voice for moderation and peace within her alliances. There is nothing wrong with Canada's participation in the Arms Race. There is no doubt that the USSR would have pushed into Western Europe had they been allow. We have friends and allies in Western Europe. We had an obligation to aid our allies against the Soviets.

Each country in NATO must bend to the will of the other countries or the Alliance will fall apart. Currently the US Administration does not realise this. But they won't be around for ever. Mr. Bush is now learning that the US is not the only voice in NATO, that they are not our masters. That we have wills of our own.

I think that the Bush Administration