The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57662   Message #911199
Posted By: *daylia*
16-Mar-03 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Congratulations to Canada
Jack said "Canada has always steadfastly suported and respected the UN and Canada has often been a voice for moderation and peace within her alliances."

That's so, Jack, but unfortunately her soldiers are not trained for moderation and peace, but for dehumanized killing. Last night on CBC Roughcuts, Kyle Brown of the now disbanded 1st Canadian Airborne Regiment was interviewed. It's eleven years ago today that a 16yr old Somalian teenager was tortured and murdered by the Canadian "peacekeepers" there.
Disturbing memories indeed.

Somalia 1992-93.

And a disturbing article comparing recent Canadian "peacekeeping" mission in Afghanistan with the criminal activities of Canadian troops in Somalia.

"Canada's army, like that of the US, went into Somalia to extend the economic and military influence of the western powers. All the talk of feeding the hungry was nothing but a smoke screen for imperialism ...
The Canadian Airborne was keeping the "peace" by torturing and imprisoning innocent citizens in a poor Third World country. The same soldiers are now doing the clean up operation for an imperialist war in Afghanistan.

"Peacekeeping" and war making in the hands of the Canadian forces, and under the direction of the Canadian state, are one and the same."

Again, let's not thump each other on the back too hard - might end up choking.

Peace - daylia