The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57765   Message #911576
Posted By: Bobert
16-Mar-03 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Politics ruin entertainment value
Subject: RE: BS: Politics ruin entertainment value
Well, danged!

What the Hell is this, Russia?

For a hundred years folks musicans have been singing about the world that they see around them. No, they weren't recorded until the late 20's when some of the early country folk blues artists were recorded but, even then, there were glimpses into their realiities.

As folk musicans, we a bound by *duty* to try to create songs that will give a glimpse of *our* realities. People have mentioned Woody Guthrie and Dylan but there are so many folk musicans who took it upon themselve to fullfill that *duty* to tell the story!

Now, if during these times you want to write songs about stuff that either happened a long time ago or ois nothin' more that "Yeah, yeah, baby" love crap then feel free! Just don't think that you are living up to the *duty* of a folk muscian...

That's my *opinion* on the subject...
