The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57859   Message #912023
Posted By: Ebbie
17-Mar-03 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Sedition, At What Point...
Subject: RE: Sedition, At What Point...
My own notion is that until and unless our government does an overthrow of our constitutionally mandated process, we are safe in speaking up, indeed required to speak up. However, free speech requires others to stand up and support those who are being forceful and loud in their objections to what is happening to the constitution. This is, I think, where an informed electorate is essential.

In Nazi Germany, if the people had risen in defense of some members of their society, the government would have been halted in its tracks.

I just hope some of our elected leaders lead the way…

As for chip implantation, I hate to sound an Armageddon-ish theme (I'm afraid our president is being guided by his own version of the 'end times') but in my view, chips must be resisted at all costs. I can see the convenience and even logical side to it- a cashless society, no more identity theft, just a quick swipe across the forehead with a scanner for each purchase- but it alarms me that in the Bible it is mentioned and warned against, and that was in a day when that kind of technology was thousands of years away.   Makes me wonder just what they knew that I don't know! Skeptical as I may be of the Bible and organized religion of all kinds, I'm aware there is a whole lot I don't know.