The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57859   Message #912134
Posted By: NicoleC
17-Mar-03 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: Sedition, At What Point...
Subject: RE: Sedition, At What Point...
You talk about sedition liks it's BAD thing... :) Not all definitions require the act of sedition to be treason or even insurrection. Some will say it's merely insolence and disobeying the government and discontented rabble-rousing. In which case, sedition is an essential component of democracy.

However, I'm guess you really mean *insurrection.*

IMO, in a democracy insurrection is the point where one attempts to overthrow a legitimately elected democratic government by means other than democratic means. "Democratic means" constitute such items as free speech, persuation, peaceful assembly, and, of course, voting. Citizens widely particpating in the open discourse of the quality and actions of an elected goverment is ESSENTIAL to democracy. Without it, it ain't democracy, it's just pretend.

On the other hand, any attempt to deny or subvert the democratic process by infringing on free speech and other democratic means of self-governance *IS* insurrection.

I.E. Calling the president inept and incompetant is democracy, although it's not particularly useful unless you can explain why you think so. Attempting to assassinate the president because you think he's inept and incompetant is insurrection.

Now to go out on a limb: A large percentage of the people in this country, myself included, think that the last "election" was anything but a legitimate exercise in democracy given the intervention of the Supreme Court. However, I would assert that given the majority opinion that the intervention was a necessity in the spirit of democracy (if not the letter), it would be rebellious to attempt to overthrow the current president by other than democratic means.