The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57859   Message #912315
Posted By: Gervase
18-Mar-03 - 02:32 AM
Thread Name: Sedition, At What Point...
Subject: RE: Sedition, At What Point...
As a non-American, I suppose I can say what I like - and my 'pledge of non-allegience' would go along the lines that the current administration is a major threat to world peace and that regime change in the USA is necessary to protect other nations. I also acknowledge that there is undoubtedly growing worldwide hatred of American hubris and, while not condoning terrorist action, I fully understand the impotent rage that gives rise to it.

Given the bizarre Patriot Act, it will be interesting to see how it is put into effect as regards white Anglo-Saxon incomers with unacceptable views like myself. The visa waiver scheme was handy, but will I now be expected to make a pledge of allegiance and to be 'sanitised' politically?
Not that I have any plans to travel to the USA in the immediate future, but it would be funny if my eminently traceable rantings here and elsewhere were flagged up. I think I'd be rather proud to be denied entry!