The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57859   Message #912540
Posted By: beadie
18-Mar-03 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: Sedition, At What Point...
Subject: RE: Sedition, At What Point...
We're meeting at the courthouse, at eight o'clock tonight,

You just come in the door and take the first turn to the right,

Be careful when you get get there, we'd hate to be bereft,

But we're taking down the names of everybody turning left.

   Oh we're the John Birsh Soceity, the John Birch Society

   Here to save the country from a Communistic plot!

   Join the John Birch Society, fighting off the Reds,

   We'll use our hands and hearts and, if we must, we'll use our heads

You've heard about the agents, that we've already named,

Well, NBC has traitors who are flatly unashamed,

We've gotten Rosie Clooney, and we're after Pinky Lee,

And . . . the day we get Red Skelton, won't that be a jubilee!^^^